Our students’ spiritual growth is our number one priority. We encourage them to incorporate the message of Jesus’ salvation in their daily lives – whether this be through their classwork, the arts, athletics, or while at work and at home.



As a Lutheran based school, our Students gather once a week as a community to hear the Word of God, sing songs, and hymns of praise, and to listen to messages of salvation and hope in Jesus Christ. Messages are aimed at meeting the student body where they are in their own lives. A variety of speakers and musicians are used during chapel including student groups, staff members, local pastors, and individuals connected to our community.


The Concordia Preparatory School Religion Department has two basic objectives:

  • First and foremost, to facilitate the development and growth of a personal faith in, and relationship with, Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior- which would manifest itself in a living out and express that faith in daily life. This objective cannot be graded or tested in the classroom and is a matter completely between the student and God.
  • Second, to teach the necessary spiritual tools as a basis for accomplishing the first goal, namely: Bible literacy, Lutheran doctrinal understanding, historical perspective and Christian life skills. This is accomplished through a rigorous, scholastic program that demands personal responsibility and independence. This objective is evaluated and graded using the same criteria as the other disciplines at Concordia Preparatory School.

Student Opportunities

Bible Study for both young men and women, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Mission Trips both in the US and other Countries, National Youth Gathering, Youth Quake, Pure Fuel, and service opportunities. All these give our students the opportunity to develop a relationship with Jesus Christ and to spread the living WORD.