Welcome to Concordia Preparatory School!

Concordia Preparatory School is interested in students who seek the satisfaction of personal achievement through an experience that is both broad and challenging. Those who are determined to make the most of their school years and to prepare for college and beyond by being active participants in a safe and nurturing environment.

An education at Concordia Preparatory School is an experience that cannot be found anywhere else; a distinctive and lifelong gift that will prepare you for meaningful personal and professional lives.

Each student and faculty member of the Concordia Prep School community plays an important role in shaping our identity as a school where honesty and hard work take center stage. We are proud that our students grow into fine young men and women who become productive members of society.

Concordia Prep School is looking for students who want to develop their God-given talents and strengths. We expect our students to share their gifts whether in the classroom, on the athletic fields and courts, at club and organization meetings, in concerts, at drama performances, or during retreats and chapel services.

The Concordia Preparatory School community embraces diversity among its members. We take tremendous pride in uncovering and nurturing the unique, God-given gifts within each member of our diverse community of learners.

As you explore this site, you will better understand our school’s goals and aspirations. If our mission resonates with you, please contact our Admissions Office to request further information. We look forward to creating a partnership that will last a lifetime.

OPPORTUNITY AWAITS YOU at Concordia Prep School!