Our student’s spiritual growth is our number one priority. We encourage them to incorporate the message of Jesus salvation in their daily lives – whether this be through their class work, the arts, athletics and while at work and at home.


The Concordia Preparatory School Religion Department has two basic objectives:

  • First and foremost, to facilitate the development and growth of a personal faith in, and relationship with, Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior- which would manifest itself in a living out and an expressing of that faith in daily life. This objective cannot be graded or tested in the classroom and is a matter completely between the student and God.
  • Second, to teach the necessary spiritual tools as a basis for accomplishing the first goal, namely: Bible literacy, doctrinal understanding, historical perspective and Christian life skills. This is accomplished through a rigorous, scholastic program that demands personal responsibility and independence. This objective is evaluated and graded using the same criteria as the other disciplines at Concordia Prep School.